Add exercises in your daily routine

daily exercises

To many people, allocating a certain amount of time everyday just to do
some work out sounds easier said than done. For, there is hardly enough
time squeezing everything that needs to be done into the 24-hour stretch
we are given, let alone doing things that can be skipped altogether.
If, to you, exercise falls in this category (it is for many
not-so-motivated people out there), then chances are, having exercices
in your daily routine is a tall order.

Start Small

However, if you are motivated enough to change this way of thinking, but are
worried about finding the time to incorporate exercices in your daily
routine, do not despair. Millions of others think the same way about
exercices. The trick is to find ‘exercise opportunities’ that are likely
to be there as you go about your chores. Start small by promising
yourself just ten minutes a day. Ten minutes is not sufficient to change
your health, but it is better than not doing any exercices at all.
Slowly, you can increase the duration to 20 minutes, then 30, then even
more once you see how painless finding time to exercise can be.

Start Easy

The easiest way to begin is by taking advantage of what you already do on a
daily basis. For example, you need to get to your office everyday. From
now on, do not use the lift. Rather, take the stairs. Instead of
looking for a car park near the entrance of your work place, park as far
as you can so that you have to walk further than usual. By just doing
these two simple acts, you have now already added some exercices in your
daily routine, without compromising much on time, which you do not have
much. Of course, if you can get rid of your car and start cycling or
walking to work, that’s all the better!

Some Simple Exercices

stretching exercisesTry spine stretching. It helps maintain your back to be flexible. As you go about your chores, take a minute to stop and stand up straight. Clasp
your hands behind your head, and bend down gently. Get your knees to
touch your elbows, and rise. Repeat it many times over. Try some chair
exercising too. Sit at the edge of your chair, and make sure your back
is straight. Then, raise your knees off the floor. Repeat, but this
time, lean back slightly. Do it as much as you can. By doing this, you
are working on your lower abs. It’s quite hard work. Just make sure you
have a solid grip. You do not want to fall off and hurt yourself in the

It Is Possible!

As you can see, it is possible to add exercices in your daily routine. It is just a matter of having
the will to do so, and the opportunity to carry the exercices out!